Online Student Registration consent

"Please read the terms and conditions before registration"

By clicking the chekbox on registration page it means that , I consent that I have read and agreed to the terms and policy below

No Refund Policy

We advise all our clients to register with consent and ensure they have understood our policies and procedures. Ignorance of these is not an excuse;

  1. No refund on all registrations for lessons, exams and placement fees.
  2. The school has a right to shift timetable, exam dates, students ought to adjust to school regulations and changes.
  3. No refund on visa denial at the embassy, failure to attend lessons, exam failure or failing placement interviews.
  4. During the placement tenure with us, kindly note you will not be placed by any other placement schools / agencies.
  5. All payments should be made only at our offices or through our school banking details.
  6. You authourise the school to use of your personal documents/details for the purposes of finding opportunities for you.
  7. You are aware that you will go on a placement waiting list.
  8. Force Majeure applies

Rationale & Aim

Havilaah school of contemporary languages endeavours to support, enhance, enable and transform teaching and learning to provide rich, diverse and flexible learning opportunities for this digital generation. We strive to build confident, resilient students with a skillset that allows them to:

  1. Expand their knowledge and understanding.
  2. Create through inquiry processes
  3. Communicate, share and work collaboratively in local and global environments.
  4. Learn to work legally, ethically and safely as responsible users and creators
  5. Develop new thinking, learning and problem solving skills to support their ongoing development as they navigate their way into the digital era


Our school provides staff and students with access to a wide variety of information resources accompanied with the skills.

  1. necessary to filter, analyse, interpret and evaluate information encountered. All students and staff at our school have personal filtered internet for exams and email access.
  2. All students and staff have their own password protected account for the school network and for online services.
  3. Students will be held responsible for all activity that occurs under their log-in and password.
  4. Student behaviour must be consistent with the school’s values, Student Code of Conduct and OSC eLearning Agreement
  5. when engaging in activities with any learning technologies and programs at school. The school strives to ensure that information published online by students or the school is of a high standard and meets legal requirements in relation to copyright, safety and decency. Consequences of publishing, accessing or failing to notify the coordinators of inappropriate material may include the:
  6. removal of access rights
  7. Consequences for serious incidents may include; criminal charges, suspension, expulsion, loss of privileges, counselling conciliation and/or other consequences consistent with the Student Code of Conduct.

Student activities strictly prohibited include but are not limited to :

  1. Illegal installation or sharing of copyrighted materials.
  2. Sending, accessing, uploading, downloading, or distributing offensive, profane, threatening, pornographic obscene, or sexually explicit materials.
  3. Use of chat rooms for non-educational purposes.
  4. Internet/Computer Games deemed inappropriate by teachers.
  5. Downloading apps without teacher permission
  6. Spamming-Sending mass or inappropriate emails.
  7. Accessing other students’ accounts, files, and/or data.
  8. Use of the school’s internet for illegal activities
  9. Use of anonymous and/or false communications.
  10. Sharing personal information online unless under teacher instruction to do so.
  11. Transmission or accessing materials that are obscene, offensive, threatening or otherwise intended to harass or demean recipients.


The contents of the website remains a property of Havilaah school of contemporary languages in its exclusive rights. Any tempering with the website or breach of the E learning contracts shall attract a punishment deemed necessary by the authorities. Any other online activities shall be governed by the cyber act and the act of good conduct

  • I understand that any breach of these conditions may result in my Internet privileges being suspended and/or revoked and may lead to further consequences as deemed suitable by the coordinator .
  • I understand that this eLearning agreement also applies during school excursion, camps and extra curricula activities.
  • Download our term and condition

    I have read and understood the school's policies and proceedures.

    © Havilaah School of Contemporary 2021 - All rights reserved. design by alpham consultancy