Havilaah News Blog



The world is evolving and language is a vital tool that we use to communicate with other people in our daily and working lives. Good communication in foreign language becomes so crucial in today’s world owing to the impact of globalization. For global competitors, the most important factor is the ability to communicate on a wider, quicker and clearer basis. Language plays an important role in business administration and customer satisfaction in all kinds of businesses, it aims to achieve customer satisfaction from an interaction with an organization; both in verbal or non-verbal communication. With rapid globalization, businesses are expanding into foreign landscapes, incorporating and integrating international markets. This foreign expansion creates a requirement for multilingualism to ensure an accurate and flawless client communication.

The belief that the world speaks and understands English is a myth nowadays. English may be the global language for basic communication, yet we cannot ignore the rise of China, Japan, Brazil, and other non-native English speaking countries like Russia, France, Germany, Netherlands, Iceland, Singapore and many more in doing business. Thus, foreign language skills become necessary while conveying complex business ideas to clients. languages are, then the very lifeline of globalization, without language there would be no globalization and vice versa, without globalization there would be no world languages.

Whether you decide to employ foreign workers or learn different languages yourself, the importance of multilingualism in business cannot be overstated. Being able to effectively interact with clients, learn their culture, and market to the different countries you trade in will help you and your business succeed. However, if your business isn’t quite ready to employ foreign language speakers or is simply struggling to recruit them, Foreign Tongues will help to translate and localise the companies website content, marketing material and any other forms of communications.

By Sofia R Mupasi

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